Envision Contra Costa 2040

Urban Limit Line Renewal

The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors has initiated work on a 2026 ballot measure to renew the County’s Urban Limit Line. The Urban Limit Line, established by Measure C in 1990, prevents sprawl and preserves open space by establishing a boundary beyond which no urban land uses can be designated. It ensures that urban development occurs within established communities where infrastructure and services already exist or are planned. Proposed adjustments to the Urban Limit Line are detailed in a report County staff presented to the Board of Supervisors on February 25th, 2025. We welcome your comments on the proposed adjustments. You can view the report and the accompanying maps below. Please send questions and comments to Will Nelson at advanceplanning@dcd.cccounty.us. Comments received by 5:00 PM on June 2nd will be addressed in a follow-up report to the Board of Supervisors anticipated for June or July.

Urban Limit Line Renewal Materials